There are all sorts of things going on, especially next month. Right now is a calm before a giant
- UC Acceptance Letters: I hope. The last half of March is when I will be receiving my little letters of happiness. Keep in mind that I submitted my applications back in November, so I am starting to get a bit antsy... I mean, going off to school means relocating, which means Mark needs to find a job in that area, which means I need to sell my house and get a place where ever I go, which would require the house being in my name already....
- End of Probate: The final court hearing is in the beginning of March. After over a year of court hearings and paperwork, the house will finally be out of my father's name and into mine.
- FAFSA: I need to complete this dreaded financial aid thing by March 2nd. I dread it because every time I've completed it, it tells me that that I don't need any financial aid. "hello? did you see the question about being an orphan??" So this will be more interesting than anything, because I expect nothing from it. Prove me wrong, FAFSA!
- Holly's Wedding: The highlight of this crazy time... a chance to get away for a weekend with great people celebrating something really great. I don't really count this as stressful (as i'm sure she does) but it is something that requires preparation, mainly because I'll see Mark again after almost 2 months...
- Losing Weight: I'm down 11 pounds so far. I've cut out all my sugar and have been more active. I've even gone to the gym! Just for cardio, though. I'm still too intimidated by the strength training machines. I think it's been a little over a month since I finally got motivated enough to shed the pounds AND do something about it. It hasn't been hard at all. It's simply been a choice that I have to make every morning. It's not some giant obstacle anymore. You just get some momentum and eventually it becomes habit. I'd like to lose a little more in the next few weeks so that I can buy a cute dress for the wedding, because...
- Mark comes back! Okay, this is not supposed to be on my stressful list, but dammit, he has had to listen to my dieting woes since he went back to Utah, so I need to at least have something to show for it. And you know, weddings do that thing where you get all lovey dovey and um, well, I wanna look good naked. That's pretty much the gist of it.
- Roommate out: I should really make a post dedicated to this. I cannot wait for her to move out at the end of this month.
- My Birthday: I'll be 23 on March 19th. I'm tired of not really doing anything exciting to celebrate. I want to do something neat this year... so I still need to come up with that. Also, weighing less would be great. Every year I've made this promise to myself that, "for my xx birthday, I want to look great!" This is mostly because I always hear women talking about the body they had in their 20's. Um.. if this is this is the body I'll be reminiscing about one day, then I'm in trouble.
- Mark's Graduation: This should be in June. By then we'll know where I'm going to school and he will hopefully have found a job in that area. At this point I'll hopefully be in the process of putting my house on the market and getting ready to move. It's a bit of a gray area for both of us because we have no clue how things are going to fall into line. Will he go there first and start working? Get a temporary apartment on his own? What if he doesn't find a job? Who will help me move? Etc Etc Etc. I'm not thinking about it until I get there.
go go go go