13 Jobs I've had in my life
1. Delivered food from Restaurants, dressed in a Tuxedo.
2. Sold
CD's for a Peruvian Band and
occassionally performed with them.
3. Manufactured and sold cutting boards
4. Math Tutor
5. Gave free samples of a skin healing cream and promptly convinced people to buy it
Mortage Loan
Proccessor7. Took care of an elderly woman
8. Receptionist at a dog groomer's... where getting peed on was part of the job
9. Accounts payable at Lawrence
Welk's resort
10. Dressed up as a saloon girl and handed out poker chips at a fake old west town, for corporate parties
11. Front desk for a psychologist- I did a lot of medical billing as well as hooking people up to EEG machines and reading their brainwaves.
12. Cooked and served food at a
Cinco De Mayo party where I was the only
Mexican in a 3 mile radius.
13. Taught a water aerobics class for mostly old women (to disco music, no less)
I'm applying for a part time job... because I'd just like to do something productive with my weekends. I realized as I was filling out apps that
I've done a lot of stuff, mostly jobs that I didn't list on my employment history, because they were... well... silly. I'm sure I've forgotten some of the weirder ones, for good reason!
Anyway, I've been sleeping a lot lately, which may have to do with the fact that I'm eating once a day. Payday is tomorrow, so that will no longer be an issue. I've never been more excited to go grocery shopping in my life!
Future sister in law morphed my picture and hers with the caption of, "If you and Mark have a daughter, this is what she'd look like when she grows up." My opposition to having children just keeps getting strengthened...
1 comment:
I love you a lot..no, seriously I do. But that picture is just scary as hell. lol
I had no idea you worked as a math tutor and dressed up as a saloon girl. That's awesome. I'm totally sending the kids to you when they need help with their math homework. :P
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