I'm guessing a lot of it is go in the closet stuff, but my bedroom closet is already full. I don't even use my closet anymore because I've managed to pile things in there to the point of avalanche when the closet doors are opened.
So I braced myself and started cleaning my closet. Yikes.
I'm trying to just throw things out. OUT OUT OUT.
But I've got quite the large pile of stuffed animals. Mostly little bunnies from Easter baskets. They're too cute to be thrown out and a part of me still thinks they are alive. I don't think that they get up and have a party when I'm here or anything, I just can't bring myself to put them in a black trash bag and send them off to the stinky dump where no one will ever love them again and birds will peck out their eyes and they will die a horrible, smelly death. ITS SAD AND DISRESPECTFUL.
So not only am I googling all sorts of organizations that accept stuffed animal donations, I am also putting off any further cleaning for the next, say, half hour. Yes!
I think I'll make some dinner and do laundry and... trim the dogs nails. By putting off one giant task, I manage to do about 20 other things that need to be done. It totally makes up for it, right?