Because if I'm not happy, my typing can't even keep up with my thoughts. Figures!
I've learned a few valuable lessons in the last few months, but most importantly, to never give up. So cliché, but damn true! Without going into too much detail, my mortgage company put me in a terrible spot financially because they didn't follow through on their end of the deal. I was a little behind on my house payment and I was offered a way to catch up; I just had to submit all sorts of paperwork. I was approved for it, yet my case was in "review" for months. I was told not to pay anything during my review. Then my faxes were lost. Reps couldn't give me straight answers. It was a mess. All a result of bad customer service and their terrible bureaucracy. They were going to auction off my house. It should have never gotten to that point. It was frightening and I was ready to give up.
But seriously, Fuck them. I need my damn house.

I went to the local news station and told them everything. All the lost faxes, the lies, the incompetence... and they did a story. And the mortgage company caught wind of it. Not more than 5 hours after the cameras left my house, everything was resolved, just the way it should have been months ago. They called and apologized and made it all better... because they didn't want to have bad press, especially right before Christmas.
So that was an interesting little adventure. I'm glad that's all over with.
I've lost 5 pounds. I stopped eating crap. Funny how easy it became once I stopped shoving sugar laden foods into my mouth. As with all my weight related endeavors, we'll see how it goes. I reinstated by gym membership, yet haven't gone yet. I just don't know where to start with exercising, because I want to just do it right. Luckily, I have a fitness knowledgeable co-worker that is going to help me develop a routine. Maybe next week... after Mark leaves back to Utah. That's a lot of my motivation; I won't be seeing him for a good 2 months, so I am looking forward to looking
I love my job, I love my man... and I'm getting back into loving life. And when I'm happy, I make delicious meals, including what Mark has bestowed "The Epic Breakfast":
I'm thinking that I'll throw a few recipes on here once in a while as I discover them or create them, mostly for fun, but also as a late start on the Cooking Challenge. No promises yet.
Mark's been here for a month now, and it's been an interesting time for us. Our relationship continues to evolve and go in directions that we didn't anticipate, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. It's never been bad, just not so good. Especially with all the financial stress and that whole house nightmare -- a lot of my negative crap was most apparent in our relationship. I can say now that things are back on track and wonderful... and now he's leaving. ::grumble grumble:: He leaves Thursday.
We went to the zoo today. Somewhere between the parking lot and the entrance, I turned into a 10 year old. I love animals. Not just, "hey look how cute!".... I have to read all about them and memorize facts and stare and wonder what it would be like to treat them and care for them. Or to watch a surgery on them. I'm ridiculous. After feeding the giraffes and having them lick my hands, I regretted not getting them to lick my face. Giraffe kisses!!! That would have been so amazing! Of course, Mark and every rational human being disagrees. I'm making a point of it next time.
I'm going to paint my nails now, because I get self conscious when I'm putting an IV catheter into an animals and my nails look like crap. Yes, I'm that ridiculous. :P
Oh, oh... I'm still in love with Mark, because were are totally meant to bee.
Except those are butterflies... and I couldn't come up with a butterfly pun.
1 comment:
I love this post. Very good read.
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