I became his target. The hunted.
Blue and Red Lights. He was agile and the chase was over almost before it started.
I alerted him of my surrender and pulled over.
Today, I started my day with my first speeding ticket.
I'm not upset about it. I'm actually a bit amused.
The reason I got my ticket was not because I was speeding; it was because I was speeding and not paying attention. My reasoning is as follows:
- I always speed.
- I always am on the lookout for police when I do so.
- I manage to spot them quickly and adjust and/or there is some schmuck near me going faster and they get pulled over instead.
- I tend to think I am pretty darn lucky 90% of the time.

Who does that???? Who on earth thanks a cop for writing them a ticket??????
The whole thing was a bit reassuring... if he managed to get me, someone who is a considerate yet hurried driver... then the probability of him catching one of those maniac jackasses who cut people off and go waaaay too fast is pretty good, right? I hope my logic is correct.
So for now, I've slowed down a bit... and I'm watching out for the 5-0.
The best part?? My boss arrived at work 5 minutes after I did. Had I taken my time, I still would have arrived before her, albeit late.

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PWNT! :]
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