But... That's usually not the case.
My alarm goes off at the appropriate hour, giving me the perfect amount of time to calmly start my day and do everything I have to do before heading off to work.
Of course, after hitting the snooze 5 or 6 times and bargaining with myself - "if I take 5 more minutes of sleep, I'll take a really quick shower!" I end up not having enough time.
Today wasn't as bad. I managed to pack my lunch and get out the door right on time.... without my lunch. 2 minutes down the road I realized I had forgotten my afternoon salvation of a lunch and hurried back to retrieve it...

I returned to my car as I rambled on about my ungrateful dogs and how they are going to be banned to the backyard forever and how i am never going to talk to them again and how would they like it if they were late for work because I ate their lunch and how they are ruining my attempts at remaining sane in this world...
and then I smiled as I realized that I'd have to go buy some cheap, delicious tacos for lunch.
LMAO! Poor baby.
Fish tacos are a dollar at Fisherman's Market today, fyi. :)
DIEGO! How could you? ...And you lay there and try to look innocent. Oh no, I know what you do.
And Mrs. Socks...shame on you.
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