I did livejournal. I Blurty-ed. Then there was Xanga.
That all ended a year and a half ago, when I became involved with a
I don't want to go into a lengthy dissection of why and how I could have ever gotten caught up in such an awful relationship. I'm a bit hard on myself about it because I knew all along. Lots of red flags. Rage, extreme beliefs....This guy destroyed me in such a fashion that I felt that only he could reconstruct me. Things I considered completely unacceptable became excusable. The fact that he didn't literally hit me with a fist was my reason for staying. Somewhere my reasoning became the opposite of what it should be; I was thankful for the bad things he didn't do rather than be upset about the terrible things he did do.
It got to the point to where I had a hard time looking my little sister in the eye whenever she'd ask about him. I was just too embarrassed. If she was dating someone like this, I'd have him hunted down! (what Mexican doesn't know a felon? Por Favor)
As I'm typing this out I still feel pangs of embarrassment. But I wouldn't be who I am today (I am so very fantastic, kneel before me!) if I hadn't been through this garbage. So for that, I am thankful.
He's out of my life, I'm happier than ever, and I've been strong.
...because there are times when he attempts to get back into my life, tries to get a reaction out of me. Not happening. My reasons aren't even spiteful. I just don't give a damn.
Interesting things have happened since then. It seems that as soon as I discarded that cloak of unhappiness he had placed on me, good things started occurring. I started working an enjoyable job, I reconnected with long lost family (more about that later) and I revived a few old friendships. Most importantly, I found the love of my life. No, rediscovered is a better way of putting it. Be forewarned: I am in love and I will exercise my right to ramble on and on about it, I will not hold back on the cheese, and you will roll your eyes and/or make cutesy "awwwww!" sounds.
Things are great.
So without further ado, welcome to my new little world. It may not always be fanfare and festivities around here, but I'll always be honest. And hungry.
I think it's amazing you've come as far as you have. Isn't sad, and slightly interesting, that it takes something horrible for us to find our true selves (most of the time)?
I love you who are today, babe, and I'm glad you're happy and have found true love.
And I'm WAY excited that you decided to start blogging again. ;)
Welcome to the blog world, Rosario...I look forward to getting to know you through your words.
Good luck with your love and hugs because you're a friend of Holly's and she's one of my very bestest friends! ;)
Thanks you guys. It should be interesing and fun to get this going. Maybe even a little frightening. :P
who could it be?
Mark, you're a punk ass. You don't visit MY blog. Jerk.
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