I was just out in the garage and I was trying to cut something in half with my table saw. Because of the size of the piece I'm trying to cut, I can only use my table saw.
But as soon as I switched it on, I was afraid. AFRAID! I think I made a cut of about 3 inches before I turned it off. I couldn't do it. What the hell??? I am not like this! I've used that thing before. It is by no means my favorite but I've used it. Successfully.
So to calm down I decided to search the web on the dangers of table saws.
Kickback is caused when the blade catches the workpiece and violently throws it back to the rear of the saw, towards the operator. It can be thrown very hard and can injure the operator. It is not uncommon for the object to have high enough velocity to become embedded in a wall or to cause other damage or injury.Oh hell no. Not happening.
I'm one of those folks that can't relax when things need to get done.
But I'm also too anxious and nervous to do anything. I can't explain this at all.
My Handsome man did a great job at calming me down earlier with the magic of his logical reasoning and kind words, but the effects only lasted a good 20 minutes.
There are just a bunch of tiny things that are bothering me. chomp chomp chomp... that's all I hear. Teenytiny termites eating away at my construction. Of course I'm shaky! I feel like I'm about to fall apart.
I will be fine tomorrow. I just don't know what to do now to calm myself down. Every little thing is either getting on my nerves or stressing me out. AARRRRRRGGGGHHHH.

Look at him! He has a big goofy head! STOP STARING AT ME! CAN'T I BE ALONE FOR ONE SECOND?!
So I give up on getting things done today. I am in no condition to be operating heavy machinery anyway, right? I am going to snuggle with Diego, make myself a cup of decaffeinated Cafecito Con Leche and try to read the book that my dear friend Danielle sent me for Christmas.
Hi Rosario, Holly pointed me in your direction. I hope you feel better soon and I absolutely love your dog!
What book did she give you? I wanna know.
Sorry you were feeling funky. It happens, but it sucks.
But you got pancakes, right? So at least there's that. LOL
Hey Rosario,
I'm Holly's friend, Dylan/Rowena, whatever you want to call me. But just thought I'd come on by and say hello and peep your stuff out, I hope you feel better soon though, because not feeling good sucks big junk.
Holly's friend as well, welcome to blog land and OMG I LOVE YOUR DOG!!!
Don't be scared, I'm an animal lover. LOL. ^_^
I'm another one of Holly's friend. I hope you feel better soon and I think your dog is cute. :)
Yay! Thanks everyone. I've passed your praises on to Diego and he was very flattered! Holly, I stole that LibraryThing thing from your page... so there's the book. I am terrible at reading! I always find something else to do, and when I finally start reading, I don't want to stop. I'm like a marathon reader. Any tips on how to discipline myself?
okay.. "discipline myself" sounds wrong. Images of leather come to mind. Please don't give me tips on that... :P haha
I wouldn't dream of giving you tips on that. That just seems...wrong, somehow.
As for giving you tips on the marathon thing, you're asking the wrong person. I'm a scary reader. :(
But it's better this way, really. :)
Oh, and don't I have the bestest friends, EVAH!??
Yes you certainly do Holly!
Sorry for your horrible day, but just so you know I feel really good knowing I'm not the only one! Glad to know you can relate! Oh yeah and remember on days like these DON'T KICK THE CAT! Believe me it won't help!!
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