Today is solely dedicated to fighting the urge to drive to Utah to visit Mark. I don't care that I don't have a cell phone, that my truck has been acting funny lately, and that I have super important things to do in the next couple of days. No, I want to just up and leave and drive 10 hours to spend a day with him. And when I really want to do something, I make it happen. I'm persistent and persuasive, which are great traits when they are directed at someone else.
So here I am on this lovely Saturday morning figuring out my plan, telling myself I need to be more responsible and stay, but I really do deserve a break, but not when I am broke and have things to do, that I shouldn't be so rash in my decisions, but spontaneity is a good thing... And I MISS HIM!
Diego has my car keys now. He has been instructed not to let me have them back unless we need to go somewhere locally.
I love my long distance relationship, I really do. I love that we have no choice but to learn the important things about each other; that this is real, based on far more than fleeting physical attributes. We've got this solid relationship that can withstand the 600 miles between us.
I love that feeling of seeing him after being apart for entire weeks at a time. Weeks that would normally just zoom on by now feel like forever. . It's almost been 3 weeks now... and I'm struggling. A lot.

Like last night when I was thirsty and I was too afraid to go to the kitchen in the dark because there's a big scary window by the sink and Diego kept telling me, "No you go first" and then I'd walk a few steps and he wouldn't even go with me like he promised...
That's when I realized just how much I miss My Handsome.
But I have to wait. I don't want to wait. ::stomp stomp stomp:::
I've thrown my little fit and I've realized that I haven't eaten today. So, My Dear Handsome, I will make us both some lunch and eat it in your honor. Only because I love you. These are the sacrifices I am willing to make.
I'll clean the house and do what needs to be done. I'll save my money. I'll take care of all my responsibilities! I'll be so good and responsible! Look at me!
you are simply amazing my dear. thank you for everything that you do for me on a daily basis.
now the only test is seeing if i can come up with something better :)
oh hunny... stop trying to top me. because, well, you can't. I win, always. :P
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