Mark got a job offer in Sacramento! A really good job offer. We're excited! And today, he finished school. So proud of my hunny with his sexy B.S. in Computer Science... woooooo!
So Monday (or was it Tuesday?) I had to pick up Socks's medication at the Rite Aid a few miles away. What a fantastic excuse to get out of the house and get more acquainted with my new town, right? I did my usual over-planning and google-mapped out my adventure route... and I soon found myself on a bus headed downtown. My student ID lets me ride the bus for free! But in normal Michelle fashion, I walked East instead of West after getting off the bus -- so Rite Aid was, of course, nowhere in sight. It wasn't until I hit the railroad tracks that I admitted that I was lost. After finally figuring out where I went wrong, I retraced my steps and headed back. It was nice to calmly stroll the streets of Davis and take in the nice non-desert qualities of this town. Cool breezes, tress, GREEN! It's delish.
After getting Socks's medication, I found the nearest bus stop and sat in the grass to get some rest. I shuffled through my purse to find my student ID and realized that I didn't have it anymore. I dropped it somewhere. ugh.
So now the bus is $1 instead of FREE. @#$@#$!
Angry and tired, I scratched an itch on my leg -- except I scratched off the scab from my stab wound. Now I'm bleeding profusely on the side of the road. My hands are dirty from my now necessary bus fare so I don't want to touch the wound... so I rummage through my purse to find some sort of dressing... A receipt! Good enough! The bleeding stops so I pull the receipt off... and the remaining scab sticks to it. FANTASTIC. Now I'm bleeding even more. I just crossed my legs and used my opposite leg to apply pressure to it. Now it hurts. Angry, tired, bleeding, in pain. This IS NOT how the day was supposed to go.
I got home and took my anti-depressants... ie. CHOCOLATE COVERED ANYTHING IN THE FRIDGE, which just happened to be bananas and strawberries. This was completely healthy because I used dark chocolate. And just to be ensure that this was a completely healthy, guilt free meal, I sprinkled flax seeds on it. Total health food.
I didn't really do anything for the next few days. Small walks here and there with the pups, but no real adventures to report. Turns out there's a cute little park near my house. I walked through there one afternoon and saw the cutest thing: a little kid soccer practice. Little, like 5 year olds.
All the kids just stood there and yelled "I'm open! I'm open!" anytime someone else had the ball. It was way cute. Then I looked down, and saw this:
Today was a big day... I had real errands to run! I treated myself to lunch at Noodle City. For about 6 bucks they serve you a trough of soup and noodles. I was no match against the immense wonton noodle soup I ordered. mmmmm....
I picked up my bike from the bike shop as well, all tuned up and with new fenders! Gotta avoid that freshman stripe at all costs. I walked my bike out of the shop... and kept walking. I realized that I hadn't ridden a bike in 10 years... and I wasn't going to embark on my maiden voyage in the center of town. Cars. People. Michelle on her ass.... not going to happen here. My biggest fear in life is looking like I don't know what I'm doing. It's really silly, but I avoid it at all costs. So.. I walked that bike on the sidewalk with a confident look on my face ("oh yeah, I'm a cyclist who is just walking my bike to take in the sights... taking it easy...") for a good 6 or 7 blocks until I hit a great stretch of bike lanes near the campus.
I hopped on my bike and hey, it was like riding a bike. ::insert courtesy laugh:: Then I pedaled faster. I felt really cool! Like a cool kid... like look-at-me-I'm-a-student-on-a-bike-I-do-this-all-the-time! And then that cool feeling was replaced with tightening quadriceps and shortness of breath. Holy crap, I am out of shape. I huffed and puffed and made it home, victorious. I'm going to have to bike to the campus everyday until school starts in order to be somewhat prepared for my daily commute. Which reminds me: School starts Thursday! omgomg
After relaxing at home, I gathered up some dirty laundry and headed to the laundromat with Diego.
I'm running out of food to eat so tomorrow I'll be headed back to the amazing farmer's market. Check out this great slide show about it: Full Belly and Full Basket
And that's it. :D
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